1931 Detroit Electric Galleries

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Exterior Gallery

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Interior Gallery

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The Cars

Select a car to learn more about its history.

1904 Stanley Steamer Model CX
1904 Stanley Steamer Model CX
Gallery History
1907 Cadillac Model M Straight Line Touring Car
1907 Cadillac Model M
Gallery History
1911 Baker Electric Special Extension Coupe
1911 Baker Electric Coupe
Gallery History
1912 Model T Commercial Roadster
1912 Model T Commercial Roadster
Gallery History
1913 Model T Touring Car
1913 Model T Touring Car
Gallery History
1919/1931 Detroit Electric
1919/1931 Detroit Electric
Gallery History
1921 Milburn Light Electric
1921 Milburn Light Electric
Gallery History
1922 Detroit Electric
1922 Detroit Electric
Gallery History
1931 Model A Roadster
1931 Model A Roadster
Gallery History
1936 Ford Phaeton
1936 Ford Phaeton
Gallery History
1977 Volkswagen Champagne Edition Super Beetle Convertible
1977 Super Beetle Convertible
Gallery History

Our Previous Cars

Below you will find the vehicles which we have owned in the past.

1913 Model T Speedster
1913 Model T Speedster
Gallery History
1913 Ford Model T C Cab Panel Delivery
1913 Ford Model T "C Cab"
Gallery History
1915 Model T Roadster
1915 Model T Roadster
Gallery History
1924 Model T Tudor
1924 Model T Tudor
Gallery History
1925 Model T Pickup Truck
1925 Model T Pickup Truck
Gallery History
1929 Model A
1929 Model A
Gallery History
1929 Model A Roadster Pickup Truck
1929 Model A Roadster Pickup
Gallery History
1950 Chevy 3100 Pickup
1950 Chevy 3100 Pickup
Gallery History